
Medical tourism is a growing trend where people travel to other countries for various reasons, such as better quality healthcare, lower costs, or access to procedures not available in their home country.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), patients may choose to travel for medical treatment due to factors such as being immigrants who want treatment in their home country, lack of certain treatments in their home country, or cost savings.


Patients Beyond Borders, a medical tourism research company, has found that Mexico, Thailand, Hungary, Spain, Poland, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Malaysia, Turkey, and the Czech Republic are the top 10 destinations for dental tourism among U.S. patients. Patients can expect to save anywhere from 40% to 75% on dental work in these countries compared to the US. To help patients make informed decisions, the table below displays the average costs of various dental treatments in these top 10 dental tourism destinations.

Global Medical Tourism Market Insights 2026

The medical tourism market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 32.51% from 2022 to 2030, with a market size of USD 4.0 billion in 2021. Key drivers include cost savings and added benefits, such as advanced healthcare, technology, medicine, devices, hospitality, and personalized care.

The medical tourism market is projected to grow from $58.62 billion in 2018 to $149.34 billion in 2026, with a CAGR of 12.4%. Medical travel is when a patient seeks treatment abroad due to unavailability or cost. Patients often travel internationally for dental care, cosmetic surgery, fertility treatment, and more significant medical services. Asia Pacific dominates the market with a 37% share, expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.2%. The North American medical tourism industry will grow from $15.82 billion in 2018 to $41.07 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 12.7%.


Turkey was one of the dominating markets with a share of 26.1% in 2021. This can be attributed to a higher influx of health tourists in the country when compared to other nations. As per the Turkish Statistical Institute, a total of 642,444 inbound medical tourists visited Turkey in 2021, an increase of 66% from 2020. Thailand, Costa Rica, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, Turkey, Colombia, South Korea, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Spain, Australia, China, and Indonesia have been covered in the report, based on their emergence as popular destinations for medical tourism.

Let's Travel and Cure in Türkiye


Istanbul offers a wide range of medical services, including cosmetic surgery, hair transplants, dental care, eye surgery, and orthopedics.

Medical treatments in Istanbul can be up to 70% cheaper than in Western countries. The actual cost savings will depend on the specific treatment and the patient’s home country.

Istanbul has a highly qualified and experienced medical workforce, many of whom have trained and worked abroad. Medical professionals in Istanbul are licensed and regulated by the Turkish Ministry of Health.

Istanbul offers a variety of travel and accommodation options for medical tourists, including airport transfers, hotel bookings, and personalized travel packages that cater to the patient’s needs.

Medical tourists can contact medical tourism agencies or directly reach out to hospitals and clinics in Istanbul to schedule appointments and make arrangements for their medical treatments.

Let's Travel and Cure in Türkiye