What are the major wellness trends expected to gain popularity in 2023?

In 2023, we are adopting a comprehensive approach to wellness by addressing our health from various angles and promoting inclusive solutions. This year, we will focus on taking a break from digital devices, avoiding coffee, and prioritizing mental health. Get ready to explore these wellness trends that will be significant in 2023.

Top Trends At A Glance

  • Sleep syncing
  • Women’s wellness
  • Gut-brain connection
  • Incidental exercise
  • Matcha makeover
  • EMDR therapy
  • Gender inclusive beauty
  • Facial yoga
  • Digital detox
  • Mushroom stacking

Sleep syncing

  • A study by Direct Line Life Insurance shows that 71% of UK adults are not getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
  • 7.5 million people are getting less than five hours of sleep.
  • Lack of sleep contributes to weight gain, making it harder for your body to process insulin.
  • Adjusting your diet and nighttime routines can help your body deal with a lack of sleep.
  • Holland & Barrett predicts that “sleep syncing” will go mainstream.
  • Circadian eating, or switching to lighter meals in the afternoon, will become more popular.
  • New sleep aid ingredients, such as glycine, will join bedtime skincare routines.
  • A big tech switch-off before bed will also become more common to avoid nightmares.

Women’s wellness

  • In 2023, conversations surrounding women’s health and wellness will be in the spotlight across various media platforms.
  • Women’s wellness will be a big business, with a focus on breaking taboos surrounding broader women’s health issues such as endometriosis, PCOS, and fertility.
  • The products available in shops will reflect this shift, with nootropics and adaptogens making their way into products to support menstrual health.

Gut-brain connection

  • In 2022, TikTok users sparked a conversation about tummy troubles by claiming that “hot girls have IBS”.
    This movement opened up the conversation surrounding gut health, allowing people to discuss experiences and seek advice on alleviating discomfort.
  • Dr Simoné Laubscher emphasizes the gut-brain connection and suggests a more holistic approach to gut health.
  • The enteric nervous system, a network of around 100 million neurons lining the gut, produces more serotonin than the actual brain and is why the gut-brain connection is vital for maintaining good health and preventing disease.
  • The importance of positively influencing our gut microbiome, the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in the gut, through our lifestyle and diet, will become even greater in 2023 and beyond.
  • The chemical messages that pass between the gut and the brain are affected by our gut microbiome, highlighting the importance of nurturing our gut health for overall well-being.
  • Awareness of gut health has been growing in recent years, and the gut-brain connection has only recently become a part of this conversation, which is set to continue to grow throughout 2023 and beyond.

Incidental exercise

  • Incidental exercise, which is activity that takes place in small amounts throughout the day, is a wellness trend that continues to grow in today’s time-poor society.
  • Dr Laubscher explains that incidental exercise can be just as beneficial for your health as longer, more sustained workout sessions, but it can be included as part of your daily living, making it easier to fit into everyday life.
  • Examples of incidental exercise include getting off the bus a few stops earlier and walking, increasing walking speed, bounding up the stairs instead of walking, and squatting while waiting for the kettle to boil.
  • Investing in a mini-trampoline and doing 100 mini bounces at various points throughout the day to change your state and shake off stress is a great way to incorporate incidental exercise into your life.
  • By incorporating incidental exercise into your daily routine, you can improve your overall health and fitness without having to schedule a separate workout session.

Matcha Makeover

  • Matcha is becoming a popular alternative to coffee due to its ability to reduce stress, manage anxiety, and boost the immune system.
  • The energy from matcha is released over a four to six hour period, compared to coffee which can cause a sudden crash after two hours.
  • Matcha contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that helps with focus and relaxation.
  • Matcha is full of antioxidants, which can boost the immune system and prevent seasonal colds.

EMDR Therapy

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR) is set to become a popular wellness trend in 2023.
  • EMDR therapy is a flexible approach that works well with problems that are deep-rooted and governed by old patterns emanating from childhood experiences.
  • Many therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) work well by changing the way people think, but EMDR works at the felt-sense, emotional level.
  • EMDR has a good evidence base for the methods, and it is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
  • EMDR therapy can be helpful for anyone experiencing issues related to low self-esteem or anxiety, patterns of dysfunction in relationships, persistent low mood, or any issues linked to trauma (historical or recent).

Gender Inclusive Beauty

  • Gendered marketing in beauty products will no longer be the priority, and brands will show off products that target specific concerns relevant to all.
  • There will be a trend towards gender inclusivity in skincare and beauty in 2023, according to Dr. Tara Francis.
  • Brands are taking notice of the demand for products that can be used by all genders, and everyone should feel welcome and included in self-care.
  • Skincare should not be gender-specific but problem-targeted, tackling issues such as breakouts, pores, and irritation.

Facial Yoga

  • Facial yoga is a wellness trend expected to grow in 2023.
  • It consists of massages and exercises aimed at stimulating facial muscles, skin, and the lymphatic system.
  • Facial yoga can help relieve tension, stress, and worry, and reduce lymphatic fluid build-up.
  • It is a non-invasive alternative to medical procedures like laser or Morpheus8, but it may not have the same tightening effect.
  • Boy George was seen practicing facial yoga during his time on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! in 2022.
  • Facial yoga is a natural, holistic approach to facial care that can benefit anyone looking for a non-invasive way to take care of their skin.

Digital Detox

  • A study by Leeds University found that the average Brit spends about 11 hours looking at screens each day.
  • Our increased dependency on electronic devices is making many people reconsider their relationship with technology, giving rise to the digital detox trend.
  • More studies are being published about the negative impacts of screen time and celebrities are quitting social media.
  • Companies are offering digital detoxing to their employees and the demand for off-grid cabin escapes is increasing.

Mushroom Stacking

  • Medicinal mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular in the wellness world, offering various benefits from reducing stress and anxiety to boosting libido.
  • The trend is gaining popularity, with the Duchess of Sussex investing in a US-based company focused on functional mushrooms.
  • Mushroom stacking is the latest buzzword, referring to combining medicinal mushrooms with other adaptogens and antioxidants to enhance their benefits.
  • The trend explores which mushroom stacks work particularly well together and why.
  • Mushroom stacking can offer various benefits such as immune support, improved cognitive function, and increased energy levels.
  • Popular mushrooms used in stacking include reishi, chaga, and lion’s mane.
  • These mushrooms are combined with other adaptogens and antioxidants like ashwagandha, rhodiola, and green tea to enhance their benefits.
  • Mushroom stacking is accessible and easy to incorporate into your diet, with various supplements and powders available in the market.
  • As with any wellness trend, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding mushroom stacking to your diet.
  • Mushroom stacking is expected to continue to grow in popularity in 2023 as people seek natural and holistic ways to improve their health and well-being.


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